Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fun in the Basement

Thank goodness for our basement!! In the winter we don't get out much. The girls have lots of fun roller blading, playing indoor whiffle ball, basketball, riding bikes and the four wheeler, or just plain running around.

Here's McKinley decked out for roller blading.

Peek-a-boo, I see you!!

You're not going anywhere...

Kennedy's best friend...

One big happy family!!

Ping Pong at our House

Ping Pong at our house can be rough, hence the helmets and the pure fear in Kennedy's face.

McKinley is planning on taking Truman down.

Off to the Pool....

We all enjoyed some fun times at the pool on our trip too.

Water wings everyone!!

Everybody in the hot tub!!

Reagan, McKinley, and Daddy...

Grandpa and Kennedy...

McKinley and Daddy...

Off to the Beach....

After the rainy Oregon Coast Aquarium visit, we had a dry moment (literally) to go walk on the beach before it started raining again. We hunted for starfish but were unsuccessful.

Kennedy enjoying the beach...

Happy Reagan....

Unsure McKinley...

Here's the family, shells in hand. Isn't it pathetic that Oregonians have to dress like this to go to the beach, while most of the world puts on their bathing suits. Even Brian had to sport the ear warmers.

Can anyone say "Anemone"?

This was our first fieldtrip of the year. We went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The girls had fun playing with the starfish and watching the sharks and other sea life.
Here's Kennedy and Reagan, hands wet...

McKinley, Grandpa, and Kennedy playing with the starfish.

If you look really hard you can see the fish in the background. If you look closely at McKinley's coat, you can see that it is shiny. We were just about as wet as the fish. It was a serious downpour outside!!

Remember one of the Jaws movies with the aquarium all around you. That is what this was like. Shark all around.

In the mouth of a shark or whale or whatever that thing was. I don't think Jonah looked quite as happy.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here are some final pictures of our Christmas day. Reagan is enjoying some of her many gifts.
Truman was feeling a bit jealous of Biscuit, since he heard Kennedy say Biscuit was a much better dog than him. Finally, the girls ended the evening on their new roller blades. Yes, even McKinley. (Notice her lovely makeup that looks like a black eye - it's not from a roller blading incident. Only her sisters careful attention to detail around the eyes. )

...More Christmas...

Here the girls are enjoying their gifts. Some of the favorites: Reagan's make up, McKinley's computer, and Kennedy's Biscuit Dog. Reagan opted to "doll" everyone up. Let me tell you, we had some beauties at our house. At one point, McKinley looked like she had a black eye. We had some good laughs.